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Welcome to agileobloodlines

Ancora Imparo

I am a lowly candle that provides light for others that they may find their life's purpose and meaning, that they may discover the life-giving warmth that only agapeic love can give; I must be consumed that others may become. This is my meaning, this is my purpose, this is my life.

These quotes are epiphanies from daily meditations and shared with all.

Quid est homo, qui non facit quod melius est mundum?

Notebook and Pen
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let your soul breathe
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Our lack of preparation in grief, letting go, and our failure to entrust ourselves to a bigger life, is the root cause of our culture’s...

love's abundance

Consumerism is now the most successful “religion” on earth. Money has taken control of every aspect of our lives, and it has become...

love's awe and wonder

“A wise man never knows all, only a fool knows everything.” – African Proverb Those who know they do not fully know are much more loving,...

true beauty

“It is God’s pleasure and rapture to place His whole nature in this true place—because it is God’s own identity too.” – Meister Eckhart...

love and shadows

“A man is whole only when he takes into account his shadow.” - Djuna Barnes We, naturally and much easily, see things as all-good or...

love's oneness

The church during St. Paul’s time was a living organism that communicated the gospel through relationships; it was not yet an organized...

love's perfection

Jesus demonstrated and provided us with the courage to trust our inherent union with God. A union of deep and infinite goodness that we...

love's need

The proper approach to the Bible is akin to what love needs. We must read the Bible with modesty, restraint, and openness, free of...

freedom and love

“Knowledge is learning something everyday. Wisdom is letting go of something everyday.” - Zen proverb In our current consumer society, it...

God incarnate

If we have never let anyone love us, if we have never let love flow through us, there is no way we could possibly know who God is. In...

bliss of oneness

Some spiritual traditions see the body as the seat of worldly desire and must be trained and brought into submission. What they miss,...

love is interdependent

God loves diversity. Looking at the animal world, or each human being, we see diversity; we see that we are all different. We, however,...

love's sight

The Third Eye is common to eastern religions such as Hinduism. However, in the medieval period, Christian philosophers offered names for...

love's security

The failure of religious tradition is making doctrine the object of faith instead of a person. Ours should not be a faith that dogmas or...

love's perfection

The Biblical exodus is an archetype for the struggle from slavery to freedom, and for the spiritual journey as well. The story...

love and suffering

There is no birth, no coming, no growth, no progress, and no transformation without pain and suffering. Love is what and who we are as an...

love's effervescence

“Perhaps love is to give one’s own solitude to others. For it is the very last thing we have to offer.” - Clarice Lispector/The Gift...

soul's fullness

We generally think about the second half of life in terms of retirement, old age, and tackling health issues. It is not a loss but...

love invalidates lies

The common concept of a harrowing hell and God as an arbitrary tyrant has not helped us to know, trust, or love God. Dualistic logic is...

our truth

When our True Self is awakened, only then would we recognize the whole from which it came. The “unsaved” souls cannot dare to imagine...

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